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O.T.: Our Town

           This evening I watched O.T.: Our Town, a documentary about high school students in Compton putting on Wilder's classic play at an institution where no drama event has been held in over 20 years.   A few things stood out to me about the film including the excellent characters, the unique commentary on the human condition, and the filmmaker's ability to raise the stakes.
            The students and teachers that are pictured in O.T. were very dynamic and interesting. I appreciate the filmmakers avoiding trying to classify each student into a group such as  "jocks" or a "nerds".  Instead a very honest and genuine portrait was captured as the filmmakers followed individual students into their homes and interacted with their family and friends. The insight and voice of the students themselves made this film worth watching, and that aspect is something no narrator could offer.
            Though near the end of the film things felt a little too didactic, I enjoyed the general theme about the human attributes that connect our whole society. It was really neat to see how the students learned and adapted the play to make meaning, and was a testimony to me of the power of great literature to survive not only time but transcend culture and other differences. The commentary and insight into the human condition in O.T. makes this one of my favorite documentaries I have seen to date.
            The last thing I noticed in watching this film was how the filmmakers were constantly raising the stakes. At first I thought they were doing a great job, but by the end (the intermission of the final performance) I felt that things were starting to feel a little too contrived. It is a difficult skill to balance story structure in non-fiction work, and though I don't think the filmmakers did a terrible job, I would have appreciated less dramatic moments that begged the question: but will they succeed? This was a great film, and though I did feel a little manipulated by the constant raising of the stakes and the dramatic and obvious connections to the human condition I still feel the story and characters were worth watching and learning about. 


  1. Great to see something on the old Gray report again! I must admit I'm a little lost in all the other things you're putting out there but am working my way through them a bit at a time.

  2. The film sounds interesting in that it avoids the stereotypes that other films make for the sake of simplicity. Usually all the people we know can't be so easily categorized, and even in high school there wasn't clear and cut lines between peoples with similar interests. Glad to see this film went the high road, even it did get a little preachy.

  3. I like how you mentioned that you got tired of the heightened stakes in this film. Usually audiences love dramatic tension and crave those "will they succeed?" moments. But I totally understand that it gets a little tired when there are excessive amounts of those moments. Whenever I watch movies that have too much dramatic moments, I find myself getting annoyed at the movie because I really just want to find out how things turn out for the characters (and not in a good way). The overuse of dramatic moments, I feel, actually kill the tension in the movie because it leaves the audience impatient. Cool analysis!


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