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February 2025

March 2, 2025 We've had a sunny week here in Lehi, and enjoyed getting outside a little more with a few walks to the lake and time in the backyard. Hinckley and I went skiing at Brighton and had a great time! The sky was a rich blue without a trace of clouds and it was around 50 degrees. Hinckley kept saying how much fun he was having and I'm considering doing a yearly trip down to Brianhead so he can ski more than once a year. We'll see. Adelaide had a lot of fun playing with Kate and Sadie on Saturday, she was so excited about that! She is in a community play (Alice in Wonderland) and the final production is fast approaching. Greyson had a fun night over at Grandma and Grandpa Burnsides in SLC and came back with stories of donuts, swimming, and also saw ski jumpers in Park City. He was also excited this week to celebrate Dr Suess day at school and wanted to wear his Grinch shirt and a bow tie to commemorate the occasion. Ready to ski "Doing the Dew" Going down o...
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January 2025

February 2, 2025 This week I feel like I aged a decade each day. I got the sickness and was out of it for a little, and then threw my back out too and was a bit of a mess. I'm truly grateful for ibuprofen. Luckily I'm feeling back on track to health. Unfortunately Kassie and Desmond are not. They appear to have entered a miserable second stage of sickness that has redoubled from last week and have lots of congestion. We continue to cheer Desmond on in his attempt to get 3 nights in a row sleeping all night, but alas he is still stuck at 2 as his all-time record. Addie had a few nights of throwing up, threw up at school, and also demonstrated the act during breakfast. She seems to finally be doing well. Hopefully we'll turn the leaf on this chapter soon. Desmond happily trapped under the desk Hinckley got back into his electronic coding a bunch this week which has been fun to see. One of his Deacon's quorum advisors is an electrical engineer and gave him all sorts of equ...