March was a beautiful month for our family. We began the month by attending Kathy and Quinn Dally's sealing in the Payson Temple. It was wonderful to be in that special place and witness the sealing. It was fun to have the Burnsides and other family visit for that occasion. We were also able to participate in the Provo City Center Temple dedication on the 19th. The last weekend of the month we went to Logan and spent some time with the Kay family for Easter. Easter Eggs with Logan & Sadie Easter Dress With spring here in full force, Kas and the kids began frequent trips to the park, earning the first sunburns and skidded knees of the year. Addie has started sort of sleeping through the night, though she seems to be fighting one of her naps which makes things interesting. She loves sitting up and being entertained by Hinckley and really doesn't like to be alone. Hinckley continues to love reading, and we went to a few construction sites to see the trucks a...
The contemporary chronicling of the Greg and Kassie Williams family