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Showing posts from August, 2016


July has slipped away from us and before August progresses much further it is time for an update. Father's day morning was blessed by Kassie cooking up some amazing breakfast burritos and I got some new clippers to keep my balding head looking fresh. The clippers I bought my my mission have fought a good fight and I am excited to have some high quality blades!  We decided to pull the trigger and buy another vehicle. It has been quite the balancing act with one car to manage business meetings across the Wasatch front, playdates, grocery shopping, film shoots, etc. - so we hope that the small hatchback Suzuki Reno ("Lil' Blue") can make it a little easier to grow business and do the things we need/want to do at this time. Buying cars is stressful.  Addie's growing confidence and abilities Addie started really reaching for things and acted like she might be thinking about crawling. She is always bending over, lunging for buttons or small items within reach...