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Showing posts from November, 2020

Staying Alive in 2020: May through Mid-November 2020

November 15, 2020 This week, Addie not only talked all about her crush (a boy named Grey...ironic right?), but came home from school talking about how she saw Grandpa Halvorsen in a video at school for Veterans day. Hinckley did too! Addie talked very humbly and sweetly about veterans in the military and it was clear that she was thinking about it all day. Her prayers lately have been very sweet as she thanks Heavenly Father and Jesus for being nice and expressing her love for them. Those are precious moments to hear her chirping out these things. There have been some adjustments this week with the tighter constrictions with COVID. Hinckley had some difficulty going to school one day, it may be he is dealing with some anxiety and stress about COVID and restrictions on "everything fun" such as playing tag. We are just glad they can go to school! Hinckley has been doing lots of drawing lately and just finished The Book of Three this week as well. He loves talking about Minecraf...