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Showing posts from December, 2011

Wolf Creek

Wolf Creek Village, in Eden UT is a wonderful place. It was with great joy and pleasure that Kassie and I stayed with Mom, Dad, Lucy, and Abi/Logan for nearly a week. We hot tubbed, watched movies, played games, went on some drives, laughed, ate, and even worked up some sweat playing racquetball. It was a grand experience and here are some pictures to prove it. Mom, the leader of the pack poses at the top of Powder Ridge. Her love, direction, and goodness are lights to our family that I believe will have an exponential impact on our lives forever. On our drive, Logan was my companion (and Dad's) in the back seat as we went to President McKay's house in Huntsville and to the Monastery. He is a happy child, and his mullet gives his toothy visage an even happier presence. The sun shone upon us during our walk/hike, and I was able to snap this before running to catch up to the vanguard company. I consider this my patriotic picture. It is hard to believe this was all happening in De...

Chicken Pot Pie

So the semester has come to an end, and that means a valuable thing has entered my life: time. Now I can be obnoxious, take pictures, sleep in till 5:45, think about new routines, and watch/help Kassie with dinner. About a week ago Kas asked me, "what would you like for dinner this week?" I thought for a moment, flashes of the usual quickly went by - things like pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers, and so forth. Before shrugging my shoulders and saying, "I don't know" like I usually do when I am just too lazy to think harder than normal, my mind recalled a golden happy memory from the dark recesses of days gone by. Chicken Pot Pie. The thought was concrete and my mouth watered. "Chicken Pot Pie would be a good option," I said while trying to hide how actually excited I was at the prospect. When I get overly excited about things it betrays the natural calm that I try to portray to the world and those around me. kas nodded, "That sounds good. I haven...

Spiritual Growth - Fall 2011

As I reflect upon the spiritual thoughts I have had in classes this semester, and the unique parallels to the gospel that have been noted, I think it would be helpful to quote from a reflection I wrote for my job as a freshman mentor at BYU. “I think that really the breakthrough for me this semester was recognizing the parts of my life in which I was stuck in a fixed mindset. Studying the animation program with my other job, the readings I have had with this job, as well as taking on a mentorship role, has taught me to just not worry so much about what I don't know or can't do. Instead I have tried to begin to focus on what I can do, and what I can learn with the time I have. I have always wanted to learn how to use Photoshop, and make cool stuff on the computer. For one reason or another (my own pride/fear?) I never tried. This semester I took 2 hours a week and dedicated it towards learning Photoshop and other new skills. Though I have yet to learn much more, it ha...

The Kay family

Here are some more pictures. I had some great fun taking these at the end of Thanksgiving break. Unfortunately the light was a bit strong - but the pictures turned out ok I reckon. Logan was flashin' his awesome mullet for the picture shoot, along with his great two big front teeth! Check out Brian's crazy mustache! Looking classy. Nice. Near the end of the shoot Logan was getting ready to go. Just moments after this was taken he began to eat something large on the ground, maybe a rock? It was time to go home and get some food and rest. I think we can all identify with that feeling.