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Showing posts from 2013

Big News December

This has been a monumental week in the Williams' home. Recreating a scene from E.T . Unfortunately, we don't have enough stuffed animals so we used doesn't have the same effect. First off, there have been many changes in Hinckley's life this week. Sadly, Hinckley is loosing large amounts of hair. His thick, dark hair is coming out and he has a large bald spot on the back of his head. We (especially Kassie) are lamenting the loss of his locks and can only hope that new hair grows in soon. Also, the baby just sprouted his first tooth! He has been drooling like crazy lately and chewing on everything. The discovery happened when Kassie was talking on the phone and Hinckley decided to bite her finger. It was one sharp bite that led to the discovery of a little white head popping up from his bottom gums. This tooth is not the sole culprit, though, because its neighbor is popping up as well.  We try to keep the pacifier in his mouth because he has been...


I am thankful for deep blue eyes and bulging cherry cheeks.  This week we ended November with lots of food, family, and fun. We stayed in Tulsa and the Burnsides came to visit. We had an amazing feast up in Talala at Uncle Mike and Aunt Janet's place and really enjoyed getting away from the city for a bit. I (Greg) played in the ward Turkey Bowl and had no injuries, other than extreme soreness the next day.  Hinckley and Aunt Janet  Posing with Grand Dad  Though it wasn't Temple Square in Salt Lake, we did enjoy seeing some amazing Christmas lights at Rhema Bible College. It is amazing we are already into the Christmas season! On our walk yesterday we enjoyed the beautiful weather in the afternoon by strolling along the Riverside trail. Check out the video below to see the beautiful animal that happened to be enjoying the day as much as we were.  Thanksgiving Morning It is with semi-heavy hearts that we say goodbye...

First Weeks of November

The sweetest smile Time is just flying by! It is hard to believe that Hinckley is four months old and we have lived in Tulsa for almost that long. Our little baby isn't a newborn anymore; it makes us kind of sad to see him grow, even though it is really cool to see him learn so rapidly. Some highlights of these last two weeks are: Greg has been coming home earlier from work. Hinckley took his vocalization skills to a new level with a different cry--a high-pitched, loud screech we call "the Ringwraith scream." Hinckley (and his parents) has a new best friend: his pacifier. He constantly wants to be sucking his paci or his fists. Kassie continues to enjoy learning by taking an online course about epidemics. We saw Ender's Game . It was just an alright movie, but it was really nice to go on a date! We discovered one of the gems of Oklahoma: Quiktrip. It has the lowest gas prices, free air, a ton of tasty, unhealthy prepared foods, and an amazing selection...

Gravity & Spiritual Refinement

Last weekend we were able to go see Gravity , thanks to the incredible kindness of Kassie's Aunt Janet. When we walked out of the theater we had so much to discuss. First of all, it was an amazing movie and just the craft and skilled storytelling was enough to chew on.  Kassie had a few really good points that led us to both ponder a little more about our current situation and what we are actually experiencing. If you haven't seen the film, go see it . I won't give any spoilers here so don't worry. Basically Sandra Bullock's character is thrown around space for the whole movie as she tries to return to earth.  In many ways the film represented to us the journey we all take into mortality, and how much of our life here is learning how to embrace the extreme and difficult things given us. In the image above Dr. Ryan Stone is cut off from all support, very much like when a newborn baby's umbilical is cut and the child enters a whole new journey. She ha...

Exiting October

October has somehow come and gone very quickly. The month has been filled with LDS General Conference, walks, fall break, and lots of work. There is still a few days left till November but you know, the month is pretty much gone.   General Conference was inspiring and timely. We watched all the sessions on my laptop on our little apartment. Though I did go out to Priesthood session and Kas told me after she watched a little of it at home. We both agreed that GC always gives one the feeling that everything is going to be alright. And at the same time things always stick out that can be improved or changed in your life after watching it. Happy Times  Kas had the great idea of going to the Pawnee Bill Museum out in Pawnee, OK during my fall break. I had never heard of Pawnee Bill, but got to learn a bit about him as we toured his mansion and looked at some of his old stuff. Apparently he was friends and partners with Buffalo Bill for a while and had quite t...

A New Perspective

Well, I (Kassie) got into a car accident last week. Luckily, no people were hurt, but our car sure was. The front passenger's side of the car banged up and the front wheel was ripped of the axle. So I won't have a car for a few weeks until it is fixed. We have been functioning with just Greg's car since the accident, which is a whole adventure in and of itself (It likes to play this unpredictable game of quitting when it stopped too long.). How do I feel about all of this? Not too happy at all. Even so, it certainly puts things into perspective. When the crash happened, I just remember feeling and hearing the crunch. Then I heard Hinckley screaming. The first thing I could think to do was make sure he was okay. His car seat was twisted and he was crying louder than I have ever heard. I undid his belts and pulled him out of the seat and just held him. As soon as I did that, he calmed down and seemed fine. I was so SO grateful that it didn't seem like there was any harm...

Into October

New Room We made the move, and Hinckley now has his own room. This has meant more sleep for Kassie (she doesn't wake up at any slight rustle of noise coming from his direction), and more sleep for Hinckley (he doesn't wake up when I get up in the morning to get ready for work). It is sort of sad and crazy that he is out of the room, and on his way to be a toddler. But that is what happens!  One of the first nights in H's own room. New Etsy Shop It was about 2 weeks ago that Kas began working towards opening her own Etsy shop . It has been fun to watch her make things and play around with the best way to get people to see her stuff. She is really creative and simply enjoys making things. We aren't looking to make a fortune or anything, but it would be nice to have a fun hobby, and have it pay for itself!  Check it out! If you know of anyone that is looking for baby products, come look at Kassie's site. More products will be coming.   ...

Hinckley's Two Month Update

I can't believe it has only been two months since Hinckley joined our family! It feels like a lot longer than that and he is growing so big way too fast! At his two month check-up today, he weighed 13 lb 12 oz and was 26 1/4 inches long. Apparently he is so tall that he is off the medical charts for his age. Hinckley is such a happy, easy-going baby. He smiles, laughs, and coos a lot. Having him in our family is so fun because he helps us realize the joy of everything once again. He smiles at bright colors or new sounds, enjoys kisses and cuddling, and squeals in delight at seeing nature when we take walks. Yesterday at church it was like he had a rubber neck; for about five minutes he just kept turning back and forth to take it all in--the sights, sounds, and smells. Today he had to get three shots at the doctor's office and even that didn't phase him for long. Oh he screamed and his face got redder than I have ever seen it. I held him and fed him afterwards and then ...