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Showing posts from June, 2013

Almost There!

Tomorrow is our baby's due date! We don't think he will come tomorrow, but one never knows. Here are some pics from this week. School is going pretty well for me, though I transition to writing/reading from doing math for the past two weeks so I am a little nervous about that. The view from the bus just before I get off and start teaching for the day. Usually I am barely awake at this point.  Awesome panorama of our classroom. It has taken a lot of work to get all this stuff up, but it could still use lots more! Here is a view of the front of the classroom, along with our space ship behavior chart and so forth.  I decided to see what would happen if I didn't shave during the week This was the result.  Kas is feeling quite big, and ready for the man child to come out! This week Kas learned how to make homemade yogurt - or at least how to extend the yogurt you already have.  The latest creative masterpiece from Kassie is this littl...

Colorado Summer

Well, I can't say that my time in Colorado has been that eventful yet. I am feeling very pregnant and uncomfortable. As a result, I have been laying around and watching a lot of TV. (Wow, I feel lazy.) I mostly watch HGTV and I am learning a lot about home renovation and real estate in the process. I have also started rereading the Harry Potter series. For the past six months I have been reading Shakespeare plays in an attempt to work my way through the entire works of Shakespeare. However, I have found that I am really not getting much from them this way. Shakespeare is definitely meant to be viewed more than read; you miss a lot of the context when you just read the plays. SO, I have abandoned that--atleast for now. I decided I needed some lighter reading, and since I own all of the Harry Potter books and it has been a long time since I have read them, that is my new summer reading venture. My creativity has been hampered because I don't have my sewing machine! I trie...

TFA Begins and other Happenings

I took off from Colorado Springs and headed to Tulsa for a big adventure. This week was "Induction" where just the TFA corps members who will be Tulsa met together and had a series of meetings and discussion over a few days. I am learning a lot about Tulsa's community and history. Yes - this is real. I took this pic in the backyard of Kassie's Uncle's house which is about 40 minutes North of Tulsa.  I arrived Tuesday morning and checked into a dorm room. My roommate is from Ohio and is incredibly  kind and considerate. He too is a trombone player. This is my room as I first entered it. You can see my desk by the window. Many of the things we did this week were out in the community of Tulsa. I have been learning about some of the events of the past, and how that has impacted Tulsa's identity and progression. Below are some pics I took of the area near the Tower of Reconciliation  which marks the spot where some of the worst part of the 1921 Tulsa ...

Colorado Break and Some Family Pictures

It has certainly been a different but good week. First off, Lucy and Brian helped Kas and I with our family pictures. They did a great job! Got to have at least one prego pic!  This week we have been relaxing at Kassie's parents house and enjoying ourselves. We have watched a bunch of movies (including the original Star Wars trilogy) and ate tasty food. Kas and I made the two dishes below for our final assignment for the MOOC class on Child Nutrition . I made the homemade chicken nuggets and Kas did the tasty veggie dish. We were pretty happy with the result! The class has been lots of fun and we have both learned lots. Hopefully we can do some more classes in the future.  Also this week I went to Comic Con Denver with Liana. It was pretty amazing, though the line to get in was equally unique (about 3 hour wait). I saw lots of interesting people and things, and decided that I want to get into comic books.  Vadar and Wolverin...