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Showing posts from March, 2014

Marching Onward

It is pretty clear to me by now that our blog is basically just pictures of our baby, with an occasional plug for a whole-food plant based diet. Pretty much those are the two big things that are somewhat new in our lives, so it makes sense that is all we seem to be talking about!  Starting to experiment with crawling, then he falls quite often Very yummy "Mac and No Cheese" dish A tasty broccoli rice casserole  Green beans that have changed the way I view the veggie forever Pineapple sorbet, one of our favorites Recently we started collecting recipes we enjoy HERE . Check it out, and please let us know if you think any of them were any good!  Hinckley is almost crawling. He pushes himself up a little, wavers, and then crashes back to the ground. He sort of displays his progress in the video below.  Kas and I enjoyed the historic LDS women's conference last night. It was inspiring and uplifting for me to watch the broadcast ...

Picture Time!

Not much is new around these parts. We are still eating "weird" food and enjoying that. We went to the OKC temple yesterday and had a good experience there. Hinckley's teeth are still coming in, but we are hoping the worst of the process is over for  the time being. Last week we went to the Philbrook Museum with some friends and enjoyed some tasty food at Cafe Samana. We had some friends over for dinner this week and enjoyed some good conversation and food. Work is going really well for me (Greg) and Hinckley seems to be having lots of fun with Kas at home. We are feeling very blessed and happy to be alive and together. Here are a couple videos and pictures of Hinckley from the past few weeks. Wielding the wooden spoon of righteousness Feasting senses on homespun collection of "toys" Sleepy pose with green ball

Hinckley's Happenings

Hinckley has been quite the character lately. For example, as I write this post, he is trying to hit the computer with his plastic ring. He just wants to be involved in whatever we are doing because Mom and Dad's toys are so much cooler than his! If there were an Olympic event for rolling over, Hinckley would earn a medal. He likes to sleep on his stomach now that he can roll over. And you would think changing his diaper should be easier now, but it isn't. Trying to roll over while we change him is one of his favorite games. It feels like I am trying to rope a cattle and dress a fish every time I change a diaper (not that I have done either). We have had some battles on the changing table that have led to much crying and screaming. Hinckley can pretty much sit up now. I can leave him sitting up in a room and he will still be sitting when I come back a few minutes later. However, I am still really careful about where I put him, though, because he does topple easily. ...