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Hinckley's Happenings

Hinckley has been quite the character lately. For example, as I write this post, he is trying to hit the computer with his plastic ring. He just wants to be involved in whatever we are doing because Mom and Dad's toys are so much cooler than his!

If there were an Olympic event for rolling over, Hinckley would earn a medal. He likes to sleep on his stomach now that he can roll over. And you would think changing his diaper should be easier now, but it isn't. Trying to roll over while we change him is one of his favorite games. It feels like I am trying to rope a cattle and dress a fish every time I change a diaper (not that I have done either). We have had some battles on the changing table that have led to much crying and screaming.

Hinckley can pretty much sit up now. I can leave him sitting up in a room and he will still be sitting when I come back a few minutes later. However, I am still really careful about where I put him, though, because he does topple easily. He is still trying to figure out how far he can stretch to reach a toy without loosing his balance.

Some activities Hinckley enjoys include playing with measuring cups, eating solid food, trying to fit anything and everything into his mouth, and playing the keyboard. Hinckley loves pounding out tunes on the keyboard and he even tries to sing along! He can also be entertained for hours trying to pull plastic objects out of a basket.

This last week Hinckley has been experiencing the turmoil of teething. His top front teeth are coming in with a vengeance. His gums are swollen, he is drooling everywhere, and he always has to have something in his mouth. It really looks painful to me and I would probably be grumpy if I were teething, too! It has been rough on all of us!

As Hinckley interacts with the world, he is finding there is much to smile at and a few things to cry about. One scary thing is the vacuum. I have tried to help him get over this by holding him and letting him touch the vacuum when it is off and then when it is turned on. As soon as I put him down and turn the vacuum on, though, it is just too scary. His pouty sad face is just too cute! At the store the other day, someone sneezed really loud in the aisle next to where we were. It startled both of us! Hinckley was in the stroller and he was looking around for me everywhere. Then his sad face showed and he started to cry. It looks like we may have an introverted child if a sneeze can scare him to tears.

We have so much fun watching Hinckley grow. Luckily, he is still sleeping from 6 pm-7 am and he is only waking up once to eat at night now. Plus, he takes two naps a day that are about an hour and a half each. I don't even know what to do with all my extra time now! (That's a lie because I can always find some way to use the time.)


  1. What a delightful post! Lu and I got a big kick out of it here in the Denver airport. Ex love Hinckley's natural hand position and use of arm weight. He has a natural beautiful elated wrist as well. We were impressed that he can also cross his hands--excellent brain growth I would say! About the vacuum cleaner--I remember that dilemma. One book I read said to put your child on the vacuum clean and push him around like a fun ride and he would stop being afraid. That never worked for my kids. It was either vacuum during the nap and thus wake him up, or vacuum while awake and cause sad faces.

  2. Nice to have that feedback from two pianists! What a beautiful boy!


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