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Showing posts from 2016

Welcoming In Autumn

Our little Addie turned 1 year old and she was literally shaking with joy in having all the attention of everyone to herself. We had my (Greg's) Mom and Dad over for some cake and presents and Hinckley learned a lesson or two about letting others have moments in the spotlight. Also this week was our official anniversary (we celebrated the week before) and the Burnsides were here for that night in order to pick up Kassie's sister Rochelle from school - so Kas and I were able to go out and see  Star Trek.  It is hard to believe its been 5 years and yet at the same time it's tough to remember a time we weren't going through life together! I feel deeply blessed to have Kas as my companion and its been really special to remember our experiences together since we met.  Opening presents as H looks on Birthday cake bash  Birthday girl with Mom We've had a fantastic week with the Spencers up in Edmonton! We planned to stay at the KOA in Great Falls which ...


July has slipped away from us and before August progresses much further it is time for an update. Father's day morning was blessed by Kassie cooking up some amazing breakfast burritos and I got some new clippers to keep my balding head looking fresh. The clippers I bought my my mission have fought a good fight and I am excited to have some high quality blades!  We decided to pull the trigger and buy another vehicle. It has been quite the balancing act with one car to manage business meetings across the Wasatch front, playdates, grocery shopping, film shoots, etc. - so we hope that the small hatchback Suzuki Reno ("Lil' Blue") can make it a little easier to grow business and do the things we need/want to do at this time. Buying cars is stressful.  Addie's growing confidence and abilities Addie started really reaching for things and acted like she might be thinking about crawling. She is always bending over, lunging for buttons or small items within reach...

Camping and Other First Time Adventures

May was an eventful month for our little family.  A few weeks ago Kas took the kids to the Spanish Fork farm with Mom and Dad and Addie enjoyed sitting on the horses while Hinckley stated they were "stinky" so he couldn't get near them. I think that is one of the best excuses for being terrified of being around horses I've ever heard. Addie riding princess style, help from Grandpa For Family Home Evening we watched  Good Dinosaur  and I burned a bunch of popcorn that stunk up the house for the next three days. Hinckley was enraptured by that movie talked about it daily for at least a week. For some reason he didn't get scared of anything in that movie, but was sobbing during an episode of Thomas the Tank Engine  because they were lost in the mist. Interesting time of life.  Hinckley has been acting more "nervous" and shy recently, hugging my legs going into nursery and getting really agitated when visitors come, but he still soften...

March, April and on to May

March was a beautiful month for our family. We began the month by attending Kathy and Quinn Dally's sealing in the Payson Temple. It was wonderful to be in that special place and witness the sealing. It was fun to have the Burnsides and other family visit for that occasion. We were also able to participate in the Provo City Center Temple dedication on the 19th. The last weekend of the month we went to Logan and spent some time with the Kay family for Easter. Easter Eggs with Logan & Sadie Easter Dress With spring here in full force, Kas and the kids began frequent trips to the park, earning the first sunburns and skidded knees of the year. Addie has started sort of sleeping through the night, though she seems to be fighting one of her naps which makes things interesting. She loves sitting up and being entertained by Hinckley and really doesn't like to be alone. Hinckley continues to love reading, and we went to a few construction sites to see the trucks a...