So what is it that is so addictive? Well the obvious is that each episode ends in such a way that one is left hanging in the most dramatic way. With technology these days (like my beloved Netflix account) one doesn't need to wait for the next episode but can merely click a button for the next while rapidly justifying the time it will take to see "just one more."
As I have thought about why I am drawn to the TV series beyond the basic fact of its natural suspense, I have not fully arrived at a conclusion of deeper power within. However, there are a few things that present themselves as key indicators of the show's effectiveness on my interest (an thousands of other folks) that I think are positive concepts.
I feel like Lost is charitable in how it treats mankind. The audience is exposed to many characters and as is usual many judgments are passed on each one. As the episodes continue these judgements are often proved wrong. Sometimes they aren't proved wrong but our feelings and understanding for the character are enriched. It goes to what I heard in one of my classes - a quote from Mr. Rodgers. "You will always love a person who's story who've heard." -- or something like that. It appears to me that Lost is attempting to promote charity - loving people because they are people.
The TV series also portrays the key factors that make up an abundant life. That pyramid of needs (I think it was Maslow but I would have to ask Lucy) is clearly portrayed as the survivors have to find shelter and food, but then face the task of being loved and accepted by others. Small things like a toy airplane, a wedding ring, a dog, or a little virgin mary statue take on monumental meaning as the audience is exposed to the nature of each character. It is amazing in the way that the storylines mesh together all to emphasize the importance of loving communication and acceptance.
I am really enjoying this series and though I am addicted to it I am keeping it at bay and under control. Yes, I am even trying to make sense of it!
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