I admire this song, and Sean Kingston for writing it and making it sound so fun and cool. The truth of the matter though, is that one person can change the world. I am not going to get all crazy and write about the different worlds that exist in each of our minds and neighborhoods, but I do want to point to one man that changed the world and showed us how we too can make a difference to those around us and our posterity.
In Words of Mormon which is in The Book of Mormon, the prophet explains why he choose certain records to be in the book. In verse seven he states, "And now, I do not know all things; but the Lord knoweth all things which are to come; wherefore, he worketh in me to do according to his will." Mormon both recognizes his short comings and mortal short-sightedness, while also acknowledging the fact that God's view is all encompassing. Mormon knows that if he can open his mind and heart to what God wants him to do then he can become a tool - or an instrument, in the hand of God. In this regard his natural abilities are enhanced and he has become a key figure in the salvation of mankind. This is one man that did change the world, not because he started a movement or amassed a great following - but because he quietly and simply followed the Savior in all that he did.

When I was running this morning up on the bonneville trail near the Y, I felt similar to Sean in that it is hard to believe that just one person can make a difference. It is true that we need help to change the world - but I think the key is to know where to look for that guidance.
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