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Kassie did an amazing job packing everything and making the transition smooth.

We are back in Provo! The past couple of weeks have been crazy. Packing, moving, reunion, unpacking, etc.

Kassie and Hinckley left Tulsa on June 13th and drove to the Burnside home in Colorado Springs. Kassie's mom came out to help with the final packing and to entertain H during the drive. We are so appreciative of her help! The drive went fairly smoothly, considering there were some direction problems and we didn't have a working GPS, and we had a wiggly baby along for the ride. On the way, we stopped in Wichita, Kansas, to visit one of Kassie's college friend, Karalee, and her baby.

The Riverside EQ showed amazing packing skills in helping Greg
fit everything in this little UHaul

Audios Tulsa
Greg packed the U-haul truck on the 14th and made his drive to the Springs. He had his last day of work on Friday, June 13th. Then, he drove the Colorado, stayed there on Sunday (Father's Day), and continued to Provo on Monday.

During the Stake Conference on Father's Day adventure,
Greg and Hinckley found a room in the church full of . . . balls!
Kassie and H stayed in Colorado Springs and visited with her family until Wednesday. From there, they made their drive to Provo and stayed Wednesday night. Greg, Kassie, Hinckley, and Naomi (Kassie's mom) headed up to West Yellowstone, MT, on Thursday for the Burnside family reunion. That six hour journey was the hardest part of the trek. Hinckley was pretty tired of car trips at that point and we listened to screaming for the last hour and a half.


The Burnside reunion was so much fun! We really enjoyed the beauty of Yellowstone. We saw many cool geysers--including Old Faithful. We also saw a lot of wildlife--elk, deer, bison, fox. We even saw a black bear with two cubs! Yellowstone is such a wonderful place! We also enjoyed hanging out with the family. There were no family fights this year! The condo we stayed was big enough for all of us. Unfortunately, Hinckley woke up and screamed for two and a half hours on one of the nights; we don't know why and it was very frustrating. We drove back to Utah on Sunday and stopped by Abi and Brian's house on the way home.

Other than some severe screaming/crying episodes, Hinckley was a great little trooper through this nomadic stage. He was very happy to sleep in his crib again and have a quiet room. He loved all the attention--and continues to love it--from his uncles, aunts, cousins, and grandparents.

Hinckley's first successful stair case ascension
Lately, he has been exploring his new home. He is really testing his limits and growing everyday. He conquered the climb up the stairs much too quickly. Now he just needs to figure out how to get down them without toppling.

He also said his first word (besides "mama" and "dada"), "dog." He loves dogs. He loves to watch them and pull their fur and hit their faces. Unfortunately, the dogs don't seem to like this very much. Every time he sees a dog he goes, "Og-og-og," in his high-pitched voice and excitedly crawls towards it; the dog usually walks away before H gets to him.

Hinckley approaches the noble beast
We are enjoying Provo. The temperatures have been in the 90s here, but it just seems a lot cooler than Tulsa because there is no humidity. We have taken many nice walks and we enjoy that we can walk around the neighborhood and not have to fear for our lives. Also, I have only seen one miniscule little bug in the house since we have been here! I am a firm believer that there are good things about every place you live, and we really missed all the good things about Provo that we can now enjoy again.

Hinckley surrounded by admiring cousins. 


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