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March, April and on to May

March was a beautiful month for our family. We began the month by attending Kathy and Quinn Dally's sealing in the Payson Temple. It was wonderful to be in that special place and witness the sealing. It was fun to have the Burnsides and other family visit for that occasion. We were also able to participate in the Provo City Center Temple dedication on the 19th. The last weekend of the month we went to Logan and spent some time with the Kay family for Easter.

Easter Eggs with Logan & Sadie

Easter Dress

With spring here in full force, Kas and the kids began frequent trips to the park, earning the first sunburns and skidded knees of the year. Addie has started sort of sleeping through the night, though she seems to be fighting one of her naps which makes things interesting. She loves sitting up and being entertained by Hinckley and really doesn't like to be alone. Hinckley continues to love reading, and we went to a few construction sites to see the trucks and diggers. The MTC expansion project is massive and we watched that for quite some time. Hinckley also helped Kas and Nana in the garden this week and Addie had a blast with Grandpa.

We went to the Provo Spring Festival where Hinckley had a frog painted on his face and he won a few little prizes at some booths. Addie had fun grinning at people and petting puppies. We also had a ward service project and Hinckley moved about with gusto picking up trash and sticks for a surprisingly long time, service is really quite fun when it is a whole family affair!
Addie with Nanna and Grandpa H

General Conference Break! (Addie, Hinckley - he is hiding behind
the stroller, kassie, Grandpa and Nana, Grandpa H, Austin H)

Freezing Spring festival - Hinckley's frog facepainting

Grandpa Williams and Addie-boo

I had a month/week of "lasts" at BYU and am officially graduated. I loved my program and learned so much. There is a lot to chew on related to life after graduation, but for now I am trying to just digest the fact that I won't be a student anymore, it is pretty strange. It was an amazing weekend in April that I graduated with Lucy, and she got married the next day. To celebrate Kas and I went skydiving with a few other family members! It was an amazing trip! We had loads of family in town and Hinckley was in heaven.

Graduation with my number 1 supporter

Skydiving gear and ready to go

Hinckley with his cousins

Graduating with Pa and Lu

Tristan being a wonderful cousin and friend to Hinckley

Addie with her cousins

Kas and I continue to train for the half marathon we are doing later this summer and have started feeling a tad more comfortable running outside. We are running a lot each week, and while I feel my cardio health is really great I don't think this format for exercise is the best for overall health.

We had a fun time swimming at the Provo Rec center yesterday. Hinckley went down some slides by himself and enjoyed splashing around without being reprimanded (he loves splashing in the bath too). This was Addie's first time swimming and she was very interested in all the kids running around and the water splashing everywhere. Kassie and I went to Improve Broadway, a really fun improvisation comedy show where they also make up musicals on the fly. I was laughing tears for much of it!

Addie is such a fun-loving and beautiful baby. She has started clapping her hands, and adores watching Hinckley do just about anything. I have never seen a child eat like she does! She has about three times as much food than Hinckley does it seems like, and is crying for more before the spoon has hardly left her mouth. She often just sits and grins, looking around her with her arms and hands wiggling about as if she is moving to a tune no one else can hear.

Eating laundry

Sitting with cousin Tommy

Happy hi five after bath

Kicking it at BYU

Hinckley and I went to a fathers and sons activity where we ate some food and played some games. Hinckley was intent on playing with the 5-6 year olds and frequently came to tell me that "the kids won't play with me!" Poor kid always wants to be with older kids it seems. He continues to love reading/being read to and has a great sense of humor. He saw me massaging Kassie's feet and wanted a turn, and then he decided he just loves "grabsaging" (insert "grab" instead of "mass" in massage"), and spent a significant amount of time trying to rub Kassie's feet. Pretty hilarious!

Big brother loving

Getting waffles with Dad

Bubble wrap hats! 



  1. What a beautiful family! Thank you for sharing and creating this amazing history.

  2. This is a great record! Thank you for the review and the wonderful photos and descriptions. Love you!


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