May 20, 2018 |
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In the elevator at the hospital. "I'm so excited to go to sleep!" |
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Sitting with "My comfort object" before surgery |
Other than that surgery, this week has been pretty normal. Lots of playing at the park on two evenings this week, the weather has been amazing! (after 6:00 pm or so). Addie is not sick! So we are enjoying her being a little happier than she has been in the recent past. Greyson is growing and growing, and we set up a new high chair this week and he is loving being able to see all of us during meals instead of lying off on the floor away from all the attention. We moved him into his own room and Kassie has reported she is now getting over 7 hours of sleep each night! That is awesome. She's been listening to a lot of podcasts and enjoying a fitness blender 2 month program and is often sharing neat ideas with me about what she is learning. We've given our personal finances a makeover and are feeling refreshed and excited to get some of those new plans rolling out. I'm very grateful Kassie is passionate and persistent on those things as they don't come naturally to me!
I've started an online program that calls itself an MBA program, though I wouldn't call it that - it is interesting and I'm learning a lot about things that have always scared me (accounting, stocks, bonds, numbers and stuff). It is an interesting model, the program is free and apparently they give recruiters access to the student's info and if they hire anyone then the recruiters pay the company a fraction of the new hire's salary. Regardless, it is zero risk for me!
May 13, 2018
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Eating propane-stove cooked S'mores |
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At Rose Canyon Lake with Nana and Grandpa |
On Monday Mom and Dad came by for a while before we left to Mt Lemmon. The kids were so excited! We found a great site up at the Rose Canyon campground. I loved watching how eager the kids were to explore, discover, and just play. We went for a walk to the lake there, went up to Summer-haven and had a cookie at the Cookie Cabin, and enjoyed some vistas. It was beautiful and about 10-20 degrees cooler! Apart from the two nights when nearly all of us were coughing and sneezing and dripping from our noses, the event was amazing. I’m very grateful we could make it work. Hinckley’s delight with the little bow and arrow he created with Mom’s help, and Addie’s sheer joy at just about everything was all worth it. The rest of the week zipped by. Addie continues to parrot everything Hinckley says, or asks, which often frustrates him (and us!) but its how she learns right? Greyson is growing more curious and chunky by the day.
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3 babies |
Summer is here to stay it seems as we brave 100+ degree weather. We are counting down the days till they open the full splash park and water slides at our community clubhouse. I'm preparing for my first "annual review" at work, I've never had such a thing. Allergies continue to afflict but thanks to Dad's magic drugs it isn't too painful.
May 6, 2018
We had the Burnsides here this weekend and enjoyed having Mom and Dad, Granny and Grandpa at church and for lunch today for Greyson's blessing. Kassie and I had a fun date Saturday night playing tennis and walking around the Sahuarita lake, the night before she and her Mom and sister went to a movie. It's been a full weekend!
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Happy Baby |
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Momma and Baby |
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Family picture . . . fail (haha) |
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Mexican food with the Burnsides |
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Preparing for Greyson's maiden swimming trip |
Addie is had another fever this weekend (what?!). She has been a very happy girl, but is back to her alter ego which is quit dreadful. This week she enjoyed going with Kas and Hinckley to Hinckley's preschool field trip to the Tucson Child's Museum. She also continues to dote on Greyson and both she and Hinckley have become adept at making him grin and coo with glee.
We went swimming with the whole family yesterday and for Greyson's first foray into the waters went ok, he wasn't a huge fan but did some kicks in the water. He is growing at light speed and seems to be overall very healthy and happy. He was very tired during Sacrament meeting but didn't object to the blessing till the very end.
April 29, 2018
Everyone is basically happy and healthy at our home, with the exception of some allergies suffered by Hinckley and myself. Yesterday we did some service at the Stake service event at the church and then I went swimming with H and A in the afternoon. This week was pretty uneventful, though in the larger news the AZ teachers have been staging a walk out the last few days and it is set to continue into next week. I fully support the walkout, it is insane the state public education is in down here.
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The ever-sick Adelaidy |
Hinckley is all registered to start Kindergarten in August! It is hard to believe that time has come, and yet at the same time I often think he could enter a much higher grade if he wanted. He continues to build remarkable things out of his different toys. He is learning to share and has really started testing our limits to see what we really do care about and that is always interesting. He enjoys listening to "Chompers" a podcast for kids to listen to during teeth brushing time which is pretty fun. He has a way with other kids and we are told often by other parents that their kids are always talking about Hinckley. Today there was a fight in primary over who got to sit by him. Who knows where he gets his social prowess but I'm not complaining!
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Hinckley's creations |
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Addie with her beloved glasses and purse |
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Chunky Monkey |
Addie has healed from her latest malady. She continues to wake up too early every morning (5:45 to 6:00 am) which is frustrating because she is super grumpy by the time breakfast is over. Kassie has been trying to get her take naps again and it seems to be working most days as Addie just has to "lay down" for 15 minutes and that almost always turns into a nap. That makes her moods tolerable for the remainder of the day. Otherwise she is very sweet and loves following Hinckley around and doing whatever he is doing. She is very caring with Greyson, and loves to make him laugh and pat his head and tummy.
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Hanging out with the cool kids |
Greyson is getting a tooth! Which is crazy since he is just over 3 months and can't roll over yet. His sleep has been impacted a bit resulting in Kassie sleeping less at night. That said he is still quite the bowl full of jelly - a jolly fellow who wins the hearts of all you meet him. He is an adaptable and patient child and we sure love him!
April 22, 2018
Addie had a brief respite in sickness so that we could all enjoy a really fun trip to PHX for a couple days. Her fever dropped and all looked good for us to drive up after work on Thursday. We enjoyed a well-hosted stay at 6148 and the kids had a lot of fun. I took them with Grandpa to the mall to walk in the morning and his friend was there so each kid had a walker to sit on while Grandpa and his friend pushed! They had a ball and Grandpa seemed to as well. That afternoon we went to the Museum of Natural History down in Mesa and though terrified of the lifelike dinos, Addie made it through and Hinckley got to pan for gold.
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The famous bunkbed room at Granny and Grandpa's |
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The scientist and his creation |
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Chilling with Great-Granny |
We had a great dinner with Williams folk and it was wonderful to visit with everyone. The next day we said our farewells (after watching Lion King) and Kassie and Hinckley got to go with in-laws Uncle Dan and Aunt Sam to see the Amazon fulfillment center Dan works in at Goodyear. It was a great trip and we got home to Tucson Saturday night without too much trouble. Then Addie threw up 3 times of the night, nearly bringing our washing machine to its knees. The poor girl has another fever and I'm home from 3rd hour of church again to tend to her as Kassie teaches Hinckley's primary class.
April 15, 2018
Addie and I just got back from the Urgent Care (Sunday) as she had a 105 fever for a few hours...! They think it is the flu so hopefully we can get that remedied quickly. She literally fell asleep in the swing yesterday afternoon at the park, and then later while sitting up in the bath. Poor girl.
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Sickly child |
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Happy smiles |
Yesterday we went up to Madera canyon for the annual “Friends of Madera Canyon Kids Day” which we did last year. The kids enjoyed water paints and other crafts as well as the nature walk. They even overcame their fears and gave Smokey the Bear (they had the mascot there) a high five. Initially they were so terrified that Addie almost laid down the ground in tears and Hinckley was wrapped around my leg so tight I couldn’t move. They had a good time and it was fun to go again.
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"He is not scary!" H and A overcome their fears to pose with Smokey |
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Madera canyon artwork |
This week I was released from the EQ presidency . . . and then called back into it, from 1st counselor to 2nd. I'm happy about the new Ministering changes from the angle of a presidency member, and hope that it will help the members of our quorum think differently about what it means to care for those they are assigned. I'm guessing I've still much to learn about charity and more since I'm being called into this calling again. I've been in this calling in two different consecutive wards for about 3 or more years.
April 8, 2018
Things are heating up here in Southern Arizona, and we have already begun using our AC. Yesterday we had the AC man come check out our system and Hinckley was enthralled. He followed the man everywhere and peppered him with questions. He was extremely impressed with the attic. Before telling the man all about how he had thrown up night before on his sheets he exclaimed, “Wow! The attic! My Mom and Dad have never shown me the attic before!” and he stared at the pipes and wooden beams in ecstatic curiosity. He and I had a "Hinckley Daddy day" yesterday, going to build a bird house at the Home Depot, to a brother in the ward for help fixing a stroller tire (his name is Brother Bot and Hinckley wondered if he was a robot...!), and then swimming in the afternoon while Kassie, Addie, and Greyson went to a birthday party.
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Cherry cheeks |
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Easter morning smiles |
Hinckley has also been obsessed with our neighbor's back patio project. He loves to go out there and talk to them and ask every question he can think of. The next day they weren't out there and he sat in a chair waiting for them for like 40 minutes - occasionally yelling out "Neighbors! Are you coming out?" He is quite social. Addie and Greyson continue to exhibit cuteness in their own ways and with their own methods. Addie keeps waking up super early which is kind of frustrating since she is often grumpy because of that. Why won't she just sleep? Oh well. I recall Hinckley doing something similar.
Things are pretty simple beyond the curve balls the kids throw us each day. Work continues to be alright for me, it isn't exhilarating but it is certainly not the worst thing I've done. I had my 1 year anniversary there on Tuesday and that was sort of hard to believe.
April 2, 2018
Our week wasn't much out of the ordinary, besides general conference of course. The kids did the best in their whole lives during conference and I think this is the first conference I have been able to sit through more than 70% of since Hinckley was born. It was a great miracle (and also a result of Kassie being awesomely prepared).
Hinckley has really begun some fun imaginary play. The other day he made a “green smoothie food truck” out of his space connector toys, towing it around to sell green smoothies to things. Later he converted it into a healing wagon of sorts where snakes and centipedes (the little sticky toy kind) could go. It is wonderful to have such a dreamy 4 year old in our house. He creates "obstacle" courses, makes up games on the spot, and never stops asking questions.
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Easter ears |
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Bubbles outside |
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Easter cherubs (Greyson with cousin Lilah) |
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Easter morning squeezables |
Addie is a new girl this week with little sickness. It is amazing to have her actually laughing and doing things without demanding I hold her on the couch while she tells me all about how she hates everything. Hoping that this trend continues on to the next week. She continues to dote on Greyson and parrot Hinckley in everything.
Greyson is about the same, cute and generally happy. The kids had a fun Easter and we had an amazing dinner too. It was a great holiday and we wish we were around all of you during this special time.
March 25, 2018
This week went by extra fast because on Tuesday I got to go with Kas and the kids on a field trip for Hinckley's preschool! We went up to Shamrock Farms near PHX and toured the dairy farm. The kids enjoyed seeing all the baby cows, the huge pile of cow manure (Hinckley), and of course the complimentary icecream sandwiches and chocolate milk at the end. I was amazed by the cleanliness of the place, it hardly stinked like you would think it would - they said they clean the whole place twice a day so that is why it wasn't overwhelming. Saturday we went on a beautiful hike at the edge of Saguaro National Forest with one of my peers from work and the kids did pretty well despite Addie falling 2-3 times.
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Buckled and ready |
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The results of playing with cactus |
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Hinckley (far left) and friends at Shamrock Farms |
Greyson has really started smiling and even laughing a bit, he is sleeping pretty well at night and during the day for the most part. Sometimes he can take a long time to fall asleep, wanting someone to be with him every step of the journey to dreamland. But other times he has begun to self sooth a bit more and just go down in a few minutes. Overall, he is a wonderful baby. Hard to believe he is 2 months old on Monday, time flies.
Addie has been feeling better since last week, and she and Hinckley have been playing much better together (or at least that is my perception based on observation this weekend). She still is extraordinarily sensitive, and reticent to leave us in situations like library story time or playgroups at the park. She needs to be nearly always connected to one of us during these events. Part of me thinks that is fine and perhaps she is just introverted and needs additional grounding in loving relationships, and the other part of me wonders "what is wrong with her?!" since it can be a big aggravating to have a weeping child connected to you at all public moments. Kassie, of course, is the one that must deal with this the most.
Hinckley's lion king love has continued to flourish though he was extremely disappointed that during my sickness last week I refused to fight him as Simba vs Scar. He had some fun play dates this week including going swimming. He has become fully interested in using potty talk in every conceivable situation and we are trying not to let it bother us (its a phase, right?). We dyed Easter eggs yesterday which he really enjoyed. He has started leading fun imaginary activities with Addie such as the magic train with trips to the sky and the stomach (see picture) and "cleaning" the backyard.
March 18, 2018
Hinckley has been into the Lion King lately because he saw it at a friends house. The other night t I delighted in playing the soundtrack for him and as I washed dishes couldn’t help grinning at him as he sat there staring at the table listening to the music. Makes my heart proud! He wants to play Lion King every night which means "we fight". He always wants to be Scar and wants me to be Simba. Reminds me of the old times when Trent always called me scar :) This week was spring break from preschool so Hinckley was around all week long. Kassie took the kids to a petting zoo which started out well but ended in Addie throwing an astonishing fit after tripping near some chickens with chicken feed in her hand . . .
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Joint hair cut and nap time |
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Planks with Mommie |
Addie has been diagnosed with an ear infection for the third time in the last 4 months. We have another strong dose of anti-biotic to give her and just hope it will end once and for all. I'm actually writing this here at home while Kassie and Hinckley are at church as I also have some kind of sickness that involves severe congestion, ear and head pain, and overall miserableness. I hope it ends soon. I've been more sick in the last year than I have for the last 5, maybe has something to do with living in a new place, having 3 kids around, and working around lots more people? I don't know.
Greyson is chunking up and smiling more. His siblings love him and are always trying to get in his face. He is sleeping fairly well at night, waking usually just to eat before going back to sleep. He struggles to sleep during the day so that has been a little difficult. Hinckley said this week something along the lines of "I'm so grateful Greyson choose to come to our family, and that Heavenly Father sent him to us." We all share that sentiment.
March 11, 2018
On Monday we attended a Food truck roundup with the whole family - Addie ate lots of her nachos and Hinckley ate more than half of his German potato pancakes. Kassie and I enjoyed some curry dishes. It was fun! Yesterday we went to the Tucson Book Festival which is the annual bazaar of books and much more hosted at the U of A. After doing battle with the crowds we obtained some "Frutti Tutti" popcorn for Addie and some Banana Chocolate ice cream for Hinckley. There was a tent where you could walk in and just grab a free kid book for each kid, but Addie basically cried the whole time out of a desire to eat her popcorn. We finally did find the children's tent and watched an illustrator read one of his books and then draw some neat pictures. We had a good time and it was neat to see some of U of A campus too. The trip also marked the maiden voyage of Hinckley's booster seat. He is now riding out of car seat and we are realizing he is indeed getting bigger!
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Guzzling the tasty "frutti tutti" |
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Hinckley breaking in the booster seat |
Addie loves of dressing up. She loves putting on other people’s shoes, and is almost always finding things to put on such as necklaces or PJ Mask capes/masks, or her chef hat and apron. It is terribly adorable. She got a little purse to put pennies in that she earns for going potty in the toilet too, and she loves it.
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Breakfast with Owlet and Hinckle-bug |
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Coaxing out some grins |
Greyson really started smiling this week and we caught a few on camera. He continues to endow Kassie with celebrity status whenever she goes into public. It is amazing how a chubby cherub can break down barriers and how his presence ignites the social capacity of strangers everywhere. Hard to deny such a fellow!
March 4, 2018
The week zoomed by and I'm trying to recall exactly what happened. Greyson has begun to show some smiles on his growing chins/cheeks, and he has been sleeping better at night waking sometimes only 2 times to eat. Kassie made it through the first full working week alone with the kids and we celebrated with a date yesterday to an amazing restaurant that is attached to a very small Krishna temple.
Addie seems to be doing much better now that she's had 10 days worth of antibiotic! She loves her brothers and loves connecting with them in different ways. She has seemed to officially abandon naps (I realize this isn't the first time I've said this) but she appears to do quiet time pretty well, playing with puzzles and other things. She is still learning to use the toilet, and we continue to lean on innovative strategies to convince her that it is a good idea.
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Hinckley and his furry friends |
Hinckley continues to develop and grow in wonderful ways. He and I had a fun time at the Home Depot kid craft activity yesterday where we made a periscope which he loves. He is also really into how the body works, and includes levels of detail (e.g. the circulatory system) in his artwork I never dreamed of till maybe 7th grade science. Today at church he perked up when a kid bore their testimony, and he said to me "Why can't I give my testimony?" We had talked about testimony bearing in an FHE or two and had told him that he could share his when he had one to share, and that we weren't going to take him up there and whisper to him what to say. So I imagined it would be a few years. But he insisted on going up, and I thought "who am I to stop him if he really wants to?" So he ran up there and was standing by the microphone as the current person was finishing up. I went up and sat with him till it was his turn and emphasized to him that I wouldn't be giving him words to say, and that he should just share things he knew to be true. He wouldn't tell me what he was going to say so when it was time I let him go hoping it would be ok. He stood and said "I know Jesus died for me and that Joseph saw Jesus and Heavenly Father" and then he jumped down from the block with joy. And quite literally skipped down off the stand while holding my hand. He's a pretty remarkable guy!
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