January 30, 2022
We had a fun birthday week for Greyson this week. Hard to believe the baby is 4 years old! He was beyond excited. We had cinnamon rolls and orange juice for breakfast. While everyone was at school and work he and Kassie went to Coconut Cove (indoor play place) and he got all red-cheeked and winded running around there and “making friends”. He was overjoyed at the balloons they picked up including a huge funny fish guy, and also he got some chocolate kisses (he had requested millions to fill up the whole house). For dinner, we had hot dogs and fries which he ended up not eating but others enjoyed. Nana and Grandpa came over and we had cake and presents. He was ecstatic about it all. When we went up to his room to get PJs on he became more solemn and pronounced, “I’m sad it is the end of my birthday”. But he perked up when I reminded him he could play with his new Perplexus and other toys tomorrow. Addie was very happy and a little jealous after giving him her present. Hinckley gave him a whole package of lemon Oreos. Greyson kept saying things the next morning that 4-year-olds do or don’t do (which he has been doing the opposite of lately) such as not peeing on the floor, not pouring milk into the trash, getting dressed all by himself, and more. Kassie and I were thinking that having a 4-year-old might be the best thing ever. As the week progressed it turned out those are aspirational goals, and not reality quite yet haha.
Boy and his mom |
Ready for presents |
Already busy with his new Perplexus |
Hinckley brought home a bunch of cardboard boxes from school that his teacher let him have from her classroom. He had a big desire to create something but he wasn’t sure what. He got really overwhelmed and stressed out when he was struggling and the youngers were being loud. In the end, he figured out that he would make an Egyptian sarcophagus which he was jumping with joy about near the end of the night. I was happy he was able to push through that frustration and make something he was excited about. Hinckley beat his video game Zelda Breath of the Wild this week and was pretty excited about that. I was sitting with him on the couch when he did it. The next day he wanted to show Kassie and anyone else how he beat it.
Hinckley in his Egyptian tomb |
All the creations |
On the way to music class this week, Addie talked to me about how she beat all these boys and girls in running races at school. Maybe some of it is true? Haha. She gets really chatty when we go on those drives to music and I love it. She continues to be very anxious about separation moments though she's improving.
I spent a few days in the office at work and am going to continue going in 2-3 times a week to use the gym and such. I like having a place outside the house I can go, and it feels good to get out and remember there is an entire real world outside my computer screen in our house!
January 23, 2022
The week began with MLK day. We watched parts of his I Have a Dream speech that never ceases to move me in its power and truth. The kids and Kassie made muddy buddies in the morning and seemed to have a lot of fun at a nearby park. I went to the Weave gym for the first time and it was the first day it opened - and also my 2 year anniversary at Weave which is hard to believe. The kids had one more "remote learning" day Tuesday before returning to regular school schedules Wednesday. It was a huge relief for everyone when that happened.
Hinckley has been loving the Fablehaven series he got for Christmas and has been reading up a storm. The latest thing he loves to do is build big elaborate forts with pillows and blankets across the house and then read in them. Of course, his brother and sister want in on the action so Hinckley is learning how to be both the foreman of the fort-building worksite as well as remain happy with the end result as the primary sponsor of the venture. He is really maturing and growing a lot. School seems to be going ok for him too.
On Friday we got a notice from Addie’s teacher that she had cheated on her math tests and that she is concerned about Addie’s confidence with Math. We are going to try and have her repeat some affirmations and start pushing her more to do “hard (and admittedly easy) things” (pouring her own milk, drying herself off after a bath) and encourage her to enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from doing so. I went with Addie to IHOP for a date on Saturday and then we went to get a birthday present for Greyson. She loves being in a restaurant and we had fun playing games on the menu and such. At Walmart, she agonized over what to get Greyson for his birthday. She really wanted to get more expensive things for him but finally agreed to get a little bear we found that fit her price range. She really is very tender and loving when she isn't in beast mode.
Chocolate pancake at IHOP date |
Greyson seems to relish doing some things on his own. He buttoned a couple of buttons on his PJs this evening and was very proud of himself. Then he started saying things like “I’m older than Addie now! I am MORE mature than Addie!” That didn’t go over too well. He is always eager to pour the salt (all over the place) and get the soap all by himself. He even experimented with pouring body soap all over his thighs as he sat on the toilet. One afternoon He was quiet in his room for a long time and when Kassie went in there she discovered he had poured ALL of the fish food into the tank. Poor Darth Vadar hid in his special corner behind the filter for the rest of the day. He is likely traumatized in his old age at such a disruption to his daily life. The next day Greyson went with me to Petsmart for new fish food and filters and then attempted to shoplift a Crunch bar a couple of times before dissolving into full meltdown as I hauled him from the store.
I’ve been reading about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy strategies which I've been interested in lately. One is about mindfulness which previously I felt seemed a little like witch magic. But even just reading that and trying to be more present and mindful of things around me as they happen has helped me be a little less frustrated and anxious. So, that is good! I want to continue with that.
Kassie and I wanted to try a new thing with the kids' Media time. They obsess over it and it seems to fill every waking moment of their brain’s processing space. We are interested in the idea of maybe having less strict restrictions, and inviting them to set some of their own restrictions that we support and is done after their main things. Sort of like a home having abundant treats and snacks and there is less pressure all the time about when and why and how you should have a treat...but this may fail royally. We don't know but are interested in experimenting a bit.
January 16, 2022
This weekend kicked off early with a "remote learning day" on Friday which will continue through Tuesday due to the record high COVID cases. Before that took place, Addie had the idea to pick up trash at her school. Inspired by what she is learning about MLK, she brought some work gloves and trash bags, and with the help of her friend Abby they picked up trash during a couple of recesses. She said, “this is my way to help the world Daddy!” It really melts your heart. Confusing at times that this is the same girl who loves dropping swear words after making her friend cry while their family was over for a play date. The baffling nature of parenthood I suppose.
Near the Lakeview duckpond with Greyson |
All three kids got haircuts and it is the first time Greyson has had a haircut from someone other than Mr. Clippers (me). They look so old and good! We had a blast playing cops and robbers at a park on Saturday, and all got really hot and sweaty despite it being about 30 degrees. For "Daddy movie" I showed them Tarzan which somehow they hadn't ever seen before. Brought back some good memories with all those Phil Collins tunes.
January 9, 2022
This week was a return to the normal routine, which was rougher on the kids than I had expected. Getting them out of bed for school was remarkably challenging.
Addie’s ears have been bugging her again and Kas took her to the doctor again (3rd time now in the last month). They gave her this HUGE shot in her thigh and then told her she had to come in the next two days to get it again each day if symptoms continued. It is the last effort to see if we can get rid of the infection before we take her to a specialist that may need to take more drastic measures. Poor girl. Kas said that Addie screamed bloody murder and had some of the other patients pretty freaked out. She came hobbling into the house when they arrived home. Her legs were covered in bandaids by the end of the week due to both shots in the thigh and other falls on her knees.
Jungle trail - before Addie fell and Greyson pooped |
In addition to the torture at the doctors, Addie underwent some significant anxiety about returning to church and school classes. After going through every mode of persuasion we could we have landed on yet another sticker chart (fingers crossed). She refused to get out of the carpool van and so our neighbor had to bring her home. I had to essentially drag her into her class. Lots of tears were shed, hearts were broken, etc. etc.
Greyson had his first week of a “Tiny Tot Basketball” camp of sorts at the rec center. He loved it and was very eager to explain he is on the “Kings” team (they nicknamed it the “Garbage Truck Kings” I believe). He has lately started using the phrase “a little help!” when he needs something which always makes me laugh. He delights in finding ways to stir the pot, especially with Addie. He’ll find her special Halloween cup and fill it up with water and then point out to her that he has it, all while giggling demonically. When I was out on a nature trail about a mile out from the car he pooped his pants with apparent glee. Hinckley and Addie were pretty excited about that too.
Greyson doing perplexus |
Hinckley posing |
Make up + nerf gun, ready for battle |
Hinckley has finished the first Fablehaven book and is nearly done with the second. He got them for Christmas and is devouring those books! It is pretty fun, and at times annoying, to see him grabbing for his book any spare moment. He was also a little resistant to returning to school but overall has been pretty glad to be back into the flow of things. He's really loved connecting with Logan about their Zelda game and comes alive when anything about it is mentioned.
Kassie and I both had bouts of sickness this week, of what kind we aren't 100% sure. I had symptoms for just a few days and never got tested. Kassie sat in line for over 3 hours to be tested for a "rapid" test...and then was never sent any test results. What?! Yes, it is true. So who knows if she had COVD, but at this point, we figure we'll just keep on keeping on as it hasn't been super serious (though certainly not fun).
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