For much of this week, sickness reigned. However, by Thursday we were all able to go to the art and music showcase at the elementary school. We went to the school to see some of Addie and Hinckley’s artwork. They did a musical performance as well and we go to do a few other arts and craft sort of things. It was a fun event despite the difficulties before and after with fighting children.
The weather is turning very nice and Addie and Greyson went out one evening to spray water and bask in that glory. The kids did a bunch of chalk on the front driveway as well. It was a warm Saturday and we spent lots of time outside. Addie and I went on a date this morning, hiking up to Battle Creek Falls in Pleasant Grove and then getting some frozen yogurt afterward. It was so nice to be outside and to feel the sun on our faces. Hinckley enjoyed his tennis lessons and seems to be doing well there. There was a birthday party for a girl in the neighborhood at the park near the house and they had some bounce houses set up which everyone was really excited about. Greyson was extremely excited about the event and asked about it every day until it arrived.
March 20, 2022
On Monday I took the kids to a neighbor's home for “pie day” with a few other families. They seemed to really enjoy it (especially the dessert pizzas and chocolate pies) and I enjoyed visiting with a few of the other couples there. Kassie has been increasingly sick and was unable to attend. It was rough waking the kids up this week after the daylight savings change. When I come for Addie she often starts moaning “Noooo!” and puts up a fight to get out. It helps when she puts out clothes the night before and I can act like I’m the “little girl” on the floor waving at her. Greyson usually pops out right away and is a bit sweaty from being totally covered by his sheets and blankets. Hinckley often struggles to get out and I have to tickle him or make up imaginary scenarios (e.g. Russian doctors preparing to do surgery) to get him up. On Saturdays and Sundays they often all come down close to 7 (the time I usually wake them up on school days)…what the heck? We had a fun St. Patrick’s day and the kids all woke up in a great mood as they were excited to see the Leprechaun string trail and the book and coins along the way. No one tried the green eggs though. Late Saturday afternoon I took Hinckley and Addie to the Hale Center Theater in Sandy where they met up with Mom and Dad and the Kays to watch Treasure Island. When they returned they raved about how great it was! I’m glad they had such a positive experience with watching a play. When they were at the play I went to the park with Greyson and pushed him on the swing for a long time. We did the third garden box dirt on Saturday as well and got that all filled and ready. Now we just need to do the rocks around the boxes. We are still not committed fully to the xeriscaping of the parking stripes but would really like to do it.
Greyson stuffing pie |
Hinckley's glue bead mountain creation that leaks glue |
In listening to the book The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates I feel deeply grateful for the life I have and the women in my life. It is astounding the fortunate circumstances that I grew up in and have now compared to the rest of the world and the rest of time. I’m grateful to work for a company that strives to treat people right and to be in a church and a neighborhood with wonderful people who want to help improve the world.
Hinckley finished the Harry Potter books today and really enjoyed that. Early in the week, he was pushing to have a family council so he could convince us that he should get an hour of media time every day. After that didn’t work out, he began pushing that we should give him his own room and that I should work in the Weave offices every day. He has also been interested in that Shakespeare book the leprechaun brought so that is encouraging. On Saturday Hinckley had his knowledge bowl competition at Lehi Jr. High and both Kassie and I went. It was pretty fun to watch him and his team! He answered a couple of the questions and was able to contribute. He was really into it. They won their first game, then got slain by the next two, and then tied the last game but lost in the tiebreaker. It was a good experience for him I think to engage and learn how to navigate such things. He is thinking he wants to do it again next year.
Hinckley with his friends Henry and Declan at Knowledge Bowl |
Preparing for the first Knowledge bowl game |
Dry Creek Knowledge Bowl Team |
Addie started to come down with a little sickness on Friday and it ebbs and flows. We were glad she could go to the play on Saturday but hope things turn for the better than where it seems right now. She had a learning experience at school about emotion management and repentance. When she was in the bathroom she let out some emotions by using a nearby crayon in the girl's bathroom to express her feelings on the bathroom wall. The janitors thought it was a third grader due to the careful handwriting...though much of what was written was "Adelaide" in carefully crafted letters haha. She was very ashamed and scared to go back to school the next day and clean it off after her teacher reported it to Kassie and me. But she managed to face her fears and go back to school and clean it up, with the help of her friend Abby.
The baby sitter helped Addie set up the perfect "kitty nest" |
On Wednesday I came home from the office and was met by the pleasant smell of chocolate. Greyson had recently spilled cocoa powder all over the place and made quite the mess. We all agreed that cocoa powder may actually be more destructive than glitter when it comes to cleaning up. That boy never stops. He loves pushing the chair up to the pantry to pilfer anything he can get his hands on. He even goes out in the garage and ransacked the van in search of gum or anything with sugar. We watched the
"Kyle" Studio C skits and all laughed about how much Greyson is like that character. He still loves when we play "cool music" and he can run around with a serious face on while jumping and flipping on the couch. Often it turns into "fighting" and he will come at you with fists swinging. Lots of energy and keeps us on our toes at all times.
Basketball boy |
March 13, 2022This week we had some great winter days and some warm spring days and everyone keeps asking if it is summer yet. Last Sunday was a rough one. Addie refused to go to church and so I sat in the passenger seat and carried her. We sat in the van for about 30 minutes once at church until we finally joined everyone else. Remarkably she then went and bore her testimony. What the heck? So I followed her example and did so as well. She also threw some amazing fits throughout the week to assert her will and make it be known (last night it was all about wanting me to make another meal at dinner special for her). Addie had some fun moments too this week with some friends, drawing lots of pictures, Let's Play Music with Kassie at the parent day, and continuing learning how to read.
Dad/Greyson date |
Hinckley's snow fort near our home |
It snowed a bunch last Sunday and Hinckley went out to the park across the street where there was “more snow” and built a small fort before it all melted. He is almost done with the final Harry Potter book and is really enjoying that. His favorite thing to do these days is to create a fort somewhere in the house and read. He has big plans for the backyard this summer and has put "wood planks" on his birthday list so he can create a series of bridges in and around what will inevitably become a mud pit. Hinckley started tennis lessons on Saturday and seemed to really enjoy that!
Saturday was a perfect spring day. We got the ground leveled and put down the new garden box alongside the two older ones, did some weeding and ground prep for the coming rocks, and just enjoyed the sunshine. Greyson and I had a date at the Hangtime jump place and then later I took him to Spring Creek Park which is one of his all-time favorites. He has so much energy and even after all that he was begging to play more things at home. He learned about electric blankets and now wants one of those for his next birthday.
March 6, 2022
Much of this week was much warmer and started feeling like Spring. One day I went to the park with Addie and Greyson and we kicked a soccer ball around and they got very red-cheeked and tired. Greyson brought his basketball too and discovered a joyful game of “shooting” the ball into the toddler swing at the park as if it were a hoop. He cheered himself on every time he made it and it was pretty cute. Afterward, we came home and there was still some time left before dinner so we played more soccer in the backyard. Hinckley was building creations of blocks and marbles and such but decided to come to join us in the back. Addie was really getting into it and having fun, and even after H kicked the ball into her stomach on accident she was able to rally and have a good time.
Addie art, one of her favorite pass times |
Greyson's glue art, it is never finished |
Documenting the exact setup of the perfect "nest" |
Hinckley and Greyson have been showering together which they both delight very much. Greyson said, “today I had three schools! Preschool, Itty-Bitty sports, and shower school!” He was very excited that he is learning how to shower with Hinckley’s help. I’m glad they can bond over something, even if it just taking a shower. Addie is quite jealous. As mentioned, Greyson started another program at the Lehi Rec center called "Itty-Bitty all ball" which he loves. They focus on a different sport each time and run around and have a blast. He is in heaven with that.
Books by the fire after a chilly park visit |
On Saturday we did the usual chores and such in the morning and then Kas took Hinckley on a date to IHOP. I built a new garden box on the back porch and got it done just in time before a good amount of rain and some snow came down. We are hoping to get that area of our yard under control this spring. Later we watched Wall-E and the kids seemed to really enjoy that. Then we went to a park to play pickleball, go on the playground, and for Addie to ride her bike around. We all got pretty cold after 45 min or so and came home to read by the fire. Hinckley had earned a late-over with friends a while back and Saturday night was the night that it happened. Two friends came over they had a rip-roaring time eating candy and popcorn and watching the latest Hotel Transylvania movie. When they were through it was like a mini-tornado had passed by. I had to swallow a lot of my natural negativity regarding noise, staying up late, and general merry-making which was for the best.
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