April 28, 2024
This week was a bit of a blur as we get nights figured out with Desmond. Some nights are better than others but his cute cuddles in the morning always make up for the rough nights. He got his first bath this week and we've been amazed by some of the new kinds of baby clothes you can get these days (e.g. a baby straitjacket that is so much easier than a blanket for swaddling). He also met our neighbors the Carters who have been eagerly asking about him.
Desmond and Dad |
McKinsey baby kit |
First bath |
Modern sleepwear |
Meeting the Carters |
The glorious front yard blossoms |
Addie had her first Track and Field practice this week as her gymnastics season is coming to an end soon. She is pretty excited about it. She and Greyson had an art showcase at the elementary school and we went and saw their work and learned a little about drawing cartoons too.
Dry Creek Elementary Art Show |
Cartooning at Dry Creek |
Media time - Disney's Recess |
Donuts at the Pioneer Market |
Greyson's soccer game - kid sandwich |
Greyson and Kelli at the bus exhibit at the Bean |
On Saturday we met with Nana and Grandpa and some cousins at the Bean Museum (aka "Dead Animal Zoo" as Trent's kids called it) and it was cute to see Greyson and Kelli walking around hand-in-hand looking at things. Nana and Grandpa came to Greyson's blustery soccer game afterwards followed up with a Desmond squeeze.
We had a stake conference this weekend. The first for our newly organized stake. The kids did pretty well with it for which I was grateful.
April 21, 2024
Bath birth |
Getting oxygen |
Relaxing time |
Sleeping |
Ready to go home |
Relaxing |
What a full week! Desmond Don was born on Monday after Kassie began labor around 8:15 a.m. or so and concluded with the delivery at the birth center in Holladay at 1:35 p.m. Like Greyson, Desmond was born in a tub. And like Addie, he needed some oxygen after he was born. After he got the air he needed we just hung out with him for many hours. We were home by 7:30 p.m. for the ecstatic older siblings to behold and fawn over the new guy. It was an overcast and rainy day. While driving home from the birth we crested the point of the mountain entering Lehi and were greeted by a huge rainbow. It was a beautiful and peaceful experience for everyone, and in Kassie's words, "it was the best birth experience."
Siblings |
More siblings |
Grandma |
Grandad |
Nana |
Grandpa |
Posing man |
Kassie's parents were here helping with the kids and I am now on paternity leave. Other things this week included two soccer games for Greyson, choir practice for Addie, Books and Buddies with Greyson, filling in for Kassie as a volunteer in Greyson's classroom, two swim practices with Hinckley, a date hiking the G with Greyson, and a date dipping in UT Lake and the Saratoga Springs hot springs with Hinckley. Hinckley's friend had a birthday this week and Hinckley had a great idea to make him a cake that is featured in a video game they both like. It was a hit! We got the bikes tuned up and Addie is excited about her bigger new bike, it has gears and taller wheels but she took it on and had a blast. She, Hinckley, and I went for a ride on Sunday by the lake.
UT Lake date |
Hinckley's breakfast in bed |
Reading man |
Hinckley in the mud date |
Greyson G date |
G valley view |
Getting a Sundae "like Shaggy" |
Hinckley with his friend and cake |
Books and Buddies |
We've had a lot of support, meals, prayers, and kindness from neighbors, friends, and all of you. Thank you!
April 14. 2024
The week has ended and still no baby. Every day we finish another task or project and say, "ok, NOW the baby can come!" but no luck yet. I built a shelf and hanging rod in the newish closet in the downstairs office room. I've come to realize that while I'm not naturally handy, I can do handy things - it just takes about 3x as long as it should! We had a fun family movie night on Friday and watched "That Darn Cat". Though the kids were bored in some parts of the show, the scene at the drive-in movie theater where many people get whipped cream on their faces was a hit. We laughed so hard we nearly went silent, shaking with tears. It was a great time!
Tree climbers |
Soccer boy with friend Luke |
Pickleball lessons with Rach |
Reading with Mom |
Addie lost another tooth this week, this time while at school. She was delighted to get one of the coveted tooth-holding cases that the school gives to kids in such a position. She wrote a cute note to the tooth "fairly" that she included with the tooth to ensure the case wouldn't be taken. She had a lot of fun playing time with friends at the park near our home and was sad to learn that one of her best friends will move this summer to St. George. It reminded me of the tears and heartache of Andrew Clark moving back in 2nd grade. Hard times for sure.
Greyson finally caved to get a haircut, willing to go from Kevin in "Home Alone" back to Freddy from "Scooby Doo". That boy has always been very particular about his hair haha. He had his first soccer game on Saturday and had a blast. One of his good friends is on the team and they ran and skipped and kicked around with lots of joy and gusto. It was fun to see him having such a good time. Hinckley and Addie were very eager to coach him given their extensive combined experience of 3 seasons. I got to volunteer in Greyson's class on Friday and see him in his natural environment. He's a very obedient and collected kid there. No screaming or punching! haha.
Hinckley is really getting into writing now and learning about the joys and perils of collaborating with others. His classmate changed one of his chapters and added the big reveal that isn't supposed to happen till later in the book into the first chapter...and Hinckley missed it till AFTER they sent it to the whole class to review. He made it through that one. We've been watching episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation together on most Tuesday and Thursday nights and it is something we both look forward to.
It was great to see Rach this week, she schooled me in Pickleball and I had a great time learning from her while getting walloped. We had some beautiful springtime weather and all the blossoms are coming out in full force against the beauty of the snowcapped mountain backdrop. The perfect time for this baby boy to come!
April 7, 2024
We had spring break this week and still no baby news. Kassie led the kids in a variety of staycation activities including swimming, getting bank accounts and haircuts for Addie and Hinckley, lunch at Wendy's, Kung Fu Panda 4 with cousins, lots of cousin playtime, and more. We got the Ninja line back up and the kids have been enjoying that.
Ninja line |
Jump park fun |
On Friday night we had a family movie night and watched Goosebumps 2 (Greyson's choice) and we enjoyed having Kassie's parents over for Saturday conference and the Kays and Spencers here on Sunday.
General Conference with Grandma and Grandad |
Fort for conference |
Marshmallow building - Addie |
Greyson/Scooby creation |
Hinckley's marshmallow temple construction |
Between conference sessions with the Kay boys at the "h" tree |
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