July 28, 2024
Kassie took the kids on two adventures this week, one to the aquarium in Draper and another to Wheeler Farm in Salt Lake City where they met up with the Burnsides. They had a great time! On Saturday evening we had "Daddy Movie" and I showed the kids a documentary called Spellbound about a group of kids going to the national spelling bee and they watched the whole thing so it was a success.
Near the sharks |
Riding together |
The Farm |
And more |
Addie and I had a good time running the temple-to-temple 5K (though there is no longer the Provo Temple there). It was super crowded and her foot hurt. However, she got a big kick out of high-fiving missionaries ("I've never high five a missionary before! They are so cool!") and when we got near the finish line she was determined to run her fastest. She was very proud of herself afterward for doing a hard thing and I was too. During the race when we walked she said she was "ashamed of myself" for walking ... so it seems things turned out in the end.
Ready to run |
At the finish line |
Chocolate M&M donut post race |
Hinckley started soccer this week with me as the coach. In short, it was rough. We'll see how this season goes. In other news, he will be getting braces this week on his bottom teeth. They put spacers in already. In his dentist appointment last week they discovered some major issues in which his baby canines aren't coming out and have caused his adult canines to move way out of position and start coming in front of the others...so he's got a painful 3-year journey ahead it looks like. He will also have to stop eating all his favorite things (chips, certain candies, and more).
Greyson continues to make "books" and enjoys reading and doing art projects. He loves patting Desmond's head. Both he and Hinckley had dates with Kassie going out to eat which they loved. Desmond is growing well and though he is struggling to go to bed at night he is napping pretty well most days which is nice. He's a cute fellow!
Chunkie man |
Lookin' cute |
Stories with Hinckley |
Hanging out with Greyson |
Smiles |
Greyson artwork |
July 21, 2024
This week Greyson had art class and loved it very much. He did painting, molded clay, push pots, painted rocks, and more. He also spent time "making books", stapling papers together, and then writing out things either directly from other books or in the case of one making an original story about going to middle school. We've decided he is ready for a forced break from the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" books. It's quite a thing to have your 6-year-old behaving and talking like a middle schooler. We ordered new lunch boxes for Him and Addie and he was extremely happy about his new Scooby-Doo lunch box and had to immediately change into his matching PJs as soon as he saw it.
Rooby-dooby doo! |
Horsie |
Addie played more with her friends this week and is deep with the tough decision of what to be for Halloween. She enjoyed coming with me to a chiropractor appointment so she could take a turn eating candy while reading/watching TV as Greyson did last week. She had a very laid-back week and enjoyed "play fighting" (or just fighting) with Greyson. Like her brothers, she loves to watch Desmond and try to make him smile. She can spend a good stretch of time giggling in his face and commenting on every little thing he does.
Questions of the soul |
Snow cones |
Desmond is growing bigger and stronger. He sleeps pretty good most nights, less good on others. He has the most amazing smiles and grins. His little coos and chatters get us all pretty worked up! We had Grandma and Grandad here on Saturday and they enjoyed watching the baby and the kids while Kas and I did sealings at the temple. The boys went fishing (minus Des) and Grandma and Addie watched High School Musical 2. Oh yeah.
Fishing boys |
Des takes a bite of Creamie the bear |
Getting ready for nap #3 |
Squeezable guy |
Hinckley had another swim meet on Saturday and despite some mixups with the medley relay that was a large trail he was happy with a new PR in the 50 free and hopefully got a qualifying time in butterfly and the IM. We hope he avoided the dreaded "DQ" haunting his IM. He used a new crochet kit he got for his birthday to make an awesome little penguin guy and is excited about the possibility of making Zelda creatures next. He also tried his hand at hosting a D&D gathering after a week or two of planning. Unfortunately, it didn't go well...it's tough to watch your kid go through tough things, especially social ones. But I suppose it is through the difficulty that growth comes.
Ready to rock |
Swim meet waiting |
Project completion |
Learning to crochet |
More swim meet waiting |
Into the water |
July 14, 2024
This week Addie and Hinckley did a week-long art class with a woman in our neighborhood and seemed to really enjoy that. They came home every day with some great works! Greyson is going to do it this coming week.
Addie and Greyson finished their swim lessons and they love it so much. Every day they pestered me to leave early so they could have time to play in the pool. I’m glad they have such a big love of swimming. Addie has come a long way from being terrified of the dreaded "bobs".
Ready for swim lessons |
Grinning with Des |
Hinckley turned 11 on Friday! I took him and 3 friends to the Lindon swimming pool and they had a lot of fun swimming and talking about mythical creatures. Kassie made a donut cake by assembling donuts from a nearby place called Spudlys - they use potato flour for their donuts and boy are they tasty. Hinckley is not "real double digits" old, and we measured his height at just over 5 feet! WHAT?!
Hinckley with friends Logan, Al, and Owen |
Lots of cool gifts for 11 year old |
Ready to open gifts |
On Saturday we went hiking with some friends to Gloria Falls up Little Cottonwood Canyon. We got back in time to go to our ward's "Hogs and Dogs" event they do each year where you eat hot dogs and ride your bike around. Greyson had a blast pillaging the chips over and over again and sticking his head and hat into the ice cooler with other young boys as everyone was cleaning up.
Desmond continues to charm everyone and is bursting out of his 1-3 month-old clothes. He has some really good nights of sleep, and others not as much. Everyone loves to talk with him and hear his coos and squawks. He's a cute fellow!
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