Good things. I thought the set design, cinematography, and graphics were good even though many critics didn't think so. The story had a very interesting setting and that really made it a better movie then other end-of-the-world ones like "Day After Tomorrow" or "Children of Men." And I really liked the scene in which they jump from a helicopter to try and snare the dragon in a net - that was pretty amazing.
Bad things. The acting wasn't weak, it was just the fact that the script was and the actors didn't really have much to go off of. I honestly didn't care about any of the characters (except the kids). I just never felt I got to know them. Everyone was always running around getting burned or trying to fight a dragon. There was no character. The music never really developed and for me dragons = good music. "How To Train Your Dragon" understands this essential point as well as story.
So, 5 out of 10. Not a horrible movie, just one I probably will never see again. Nothing too deep that I could wrench out of it however it had its exciting moments and interesting concepts.
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