I have been humming/singing the theme to this movie for almost as long as I can remember. I watched about a fourth of it once on TV, and now I have finally seen it. Some film people tend to not talk about, or maybe even think less of the films like this one that the broad population considers "classic" or monumental in the progression of filmmaking. I often feel like these people have a problem with feeling some sort of elite sense of I'm-smarter-than-you ness that is simply regressive and childish. This film, regardless of how many people liked it, praised it, or shrugged it off, is a profound example of what the motion picture can capture and communicate. I was moved to be better, and my perspective on life has changed because of my experience with this film.
I could go on about Liam Neeson and Ben Kingsley's performances, but that has been done countless times for the last decade and a half. For me this film was powerful because of the personal element communicated in it. From the changing of a person such as Schindler, to the intrinsic drive of the Jewish community as they tried to stay with their family unit, I felt constantly aware of the blessings and lifestyle I enjoy. Just the ability to walk outside and do what I want to is something these people did not have. On the flip side, in the end when Neeson's character first shows real emotion when he realizes he could have done more - I too felt that I can do more for others. I can keep a little less and share a little more, because surely there is more to life than just having stuff and being comfortable. There are family members, friends, and fellow human beings suffering and I am in a position to help alleviate that at least in a small degree.
What a great story! It is the story we have heard many times, of good surviving evil, and wickedness yielding to the faith of the righteous. The soundtrack was moving and you can call me tender or whatever but I almost feel some tears coming on every time I hear it. Have a listen and maybe you will understand what I am saying.
Wow grey, I really liked this post. I think this movie definitely changed my life innsimilar ways to your experience. Arthur arthur... Now you know why I lOve playing that piece!