I have enjoyed the previous X men films to a certain extent. The constant theme that his hit each time is one that I think is important for today. The idea of "mutants" and how some folks just aren't like others has always been true, and I think there is some great potential for a paper on the connections between X-men and illegal immigrants. The series also offers some interesting looks into human nature through the microcosm of the few characters we are introduced to, and asks questions of us about how we are using our talents and so forth.
Beyond these good themes and discussions, however, lies a deep immoral violence that really surprised me. Kassie and I saw this film in the "big boy" theaters. It was full of spectacle, mutant changing creatures, computer effects, and practically naked women. I was amazed at the amounts of un-called for violence. The brutality was useless. Sure I know Eric hurts from his past, but the manner in which he shows it and the violence of the other characters isn't very helpful in making the connection to the fact that he is so past feeling that love and peace are not an option in his life.
I mentioned Jesse James. That film actually discusses similar themes, and yet through acting, scripting, and just added time in space the western nails the concepts so much more effectively. The major difference in the films though would have to be the money situation.
X-men First Class cost about 160 million to make, and world wide it has already generated $335,029,355.00!
Jesse James (2007) cost about 30 million to make, and to this date has only made back about half of that.
So, though I may be arguing that the latter of the two does better, and is morally higher class - it seems that the appeal of senseless violence, flashy comic figures, and sensuous women will take the reigns. What is odd to me is how much the critics and fans seem to love the film, but I reckon everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
I like your blog. There are a lot of movie bloggers out there but you really bring yourself into the reviews. It's refreshing.
ReplyDeleteThank you! Out of curiosity, how did you stumble upon my humble blog? I have been very bad at keeping it up.