It has been a while since I have posted to my blog. This thought is small, but meaningful to me so I figured I would share.
Joy is something that is not always a part of my everyday life. Obviously things come and go that make my routine a challenging experience. But in reality, nothing is too bad or too hard for me to not to find a way to be happy about it. I have the choice to be happy any time, though this fact doesn't discount the necessary times one needs to experience sorrow and the other range of feelings to connect to others and understand the world around them.
Sister Sanchez, my mission president's wife said something along these lines when she addressed my departing group of Elders as we prepared to go home. It was something like, "Challenges can be humorous now or in a few years, either way it is going to be funny. It is just up to us on when we decide to laugh about it." This reminds me of Elder Worthlin's talk about "Come what may and love it" in which their family drives the wrong direction and don't notice till they have traveled a long distance. They laughed! Imagine how much better of a trip back to the correct road it was because they were laughing rather than allowing the air to fill with solemn quiet and regret. Of course they were going to laugh about this experience, but the Worthlin family decided to laugh sooner than later - and I think that is what is so profound about it.
So here are some pictures that bring me joy.

This is a small panoramic picture I took of the view I have had all October long as I come home from school each evening. The gorgeous leaves, golden sunlight, and utah lake in the distance with the mountains always made me smile. This is a beautiful world!
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