This was my first week of working Monday through Thursday and it went very well. I am working on a project focused on introverts. I encourage everyone to check out the book I am reading to better understand the topic. It is really quite fascinating as I realize that being an introvert is not a bad thing at all. Simply it is the distortion of our culture that makes it appear so. Kassie got a job working with the National Association of Manufacturers and started that on Friday. We are still able to go on our Saturday adventures however, and this Saturday was no different.
Apparently Johnny Rockets shares the claim of the "original hamburger" and about 20 million other restaurants!
We started out by going to Ford's Theater and saw a really neat museum with all sorts of artifacts of Abraham Lincoln's and John Wilkes Booth. It was pretty crazy to be there, the exact place where that tragic event occurred. We walked there and we walked back, giving our legs and everything else a pretty good work out.
After some lunch and resting we geared up, met with the Lymans (another couple that is here) and headed to the temple. Unfortunately for us and many other weary pilgrims, the Metro was under some sort of construction. We had to get out, go up and get on a bus, then get back in and go to where a car was parked, and then arrived at the temple. Appreciation for the 5 minute drive to Provo temple increased in my mind and heart.
The temple is huge! I actually got lost inside but after some running up and down stairs I finally found the others and was able to get situated just fine. It was odd to reflect that the last time I had seen it (the only other time actually) was with the PHS band. I was a passive agressive youth, towing around my trombone and realizing I didn't fit in with anyone around me. It was nice to be there with my wife and friends this time around.
We made it back from the temple, and after a long bus ride we enjoyed Johnny Rocket's - a tasty burger place that is all over the place here. I had to follow the example of Oliver Twist and go beg for more because it was supposed to be "bottomless fries" but our waiter forgot about us. In the end we were pleasantly filled, and left with a smile.

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