December 1, 2024
We had a packed fun Thanksgiving week! Early in the week we went to a service project to help make meal kits and the kids really got into it. Kassie's sisters Liana and Rochelle came and stayed with us for much of the week. We had Kassie's parents, grandma, uncle, along with Lucy's family, Abi and Ryrie here for Thanksgiving. It was a full house and we had a TON of leftovers. Greyson had a blast running around with James and Henry, and Des loved all the attention from doting admirers. He and Kattie exchanged glances once or twice while crossing paths to and from naps.
Service time |
Addie measures oats |
Kassie, Greyson, and Hinckley |
Hinckley in his sleeping nook |
Happy guy ready for a walk |
Addie's white board - pre Thanksgiving |
We enjoyed more cousin time in Provo the day after thanksgiving and also went up to SLC to play in the pool/hot tub at Elder and Sister Burnside's apartment. After dinner at the City Creek Mall and some hot chocolate at the apartment everyone was exhausted when we got home. Our last full day with visiting family we went and saw Wicked (and Abi joined us!) and we all loved it a lot. In the evening some of us walked in the frigid twilight to the Saratoga Springs hot springs and enjoyed that quite a bit! There was more pie/treats/and games afterwards.
Turkey platter |
Gaming with Aunties |
Cousin table |
Women's table |
Men's table |
Feast |
Pie time |
Des and Abi |
Des and Grandma Dally |
Game night |
Cherry bomb |
City Creek |
Sleeping guy |
We have much to be thankful for and that includes returning back to a regular routine tomorrow!
November 24, 2024
This week was a quiet blur. Without any workers here it was amazing how still it was once everyone was at school and the baby was asleep. Desmond does pretty great naps, but this week he started waking up at night more than before. He lights up whenever anyone new walks into the room and loves to be tickled under his chin and his armpits.
Greyson plays with his army guys during breakfast |
Happy guy |
Math tutoring with the Maestra |
Feeding time |
Addie and Des happy time |
Peace in the leaves |
We went with the two oldest to see our friends in The Savior of the World in Salt Lake, and met Kassie's parents there. We all enjoyed it! I got the Christmas lights up on Saturday and the kids were eager to get on the roof and view the neighborhood from a new vantage point. Greyson was especially excited about making leaf piles to jump in afterwards.
Kassie went ice skating with Hinckley for a date and they got his favorite treat afterwards (Auntie Anne pretzel bites in nacho sauce). She also had a fun taco night book group with some friends.
November 17, 2024
This was a very full week, dominated by getting new flooring for the entire house. It was a little stressful managing meals and kids and work at home throughout the week, but it is all behind us. Yay! Addie and I had a fun date going to a dad/daughter dance at an incredible venue in Draper overlooking the valley. We had so much fun dancing and sharing treats. Addie requested "Fireflies" by Owl City to the DJ, it was so much fun. She and I sang "In my own sacred grove" in church today and it went really well! Kassie's mom accompanied us on the piano.
Dad/Addie date dance |
Another picture from further away |
They had a soda bar! |
Taking a break from the heat of the dance |
Greyson is still into "I survived" books. He has been dictating his own story to Addie as she types it up. They had a few photo shoots for the cover which they had me take for them. He's a very busy and loud boy with too many crushes to keep track of anymore. At school he is a model student. He and Kassie had a fun date to Fat Cats arcade and he got some plastic "War guys" (army men) in which he has been simulating World War 2. He is very interested in World War 2, Jews, and Nazis...not the most casual topic for him to be shouting about in public places, but that doesn't stop him.
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